Find a tenant & start earning income fast
Gabi Somlai shares how to find a tenant and start earning rental income fast.
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When you own an investment property, you naturally want to minimise vacancy periods, as an empty property means lost income.
Here at Home Property Agents, we know the rental market, we know what tenants are looking for in a property and we know what they are willing to pay. This informed, local approach means that we are in a position to find you great tenants.
We prioritise marketing our rental properties to ensure they look great and reach a wide audience.
And when we find the right tenants to move in, our clients can feel confident that the rent is set at a point that will minimise vacancy times and start earning them a regular, reliable income.
When there is a flood of rentals on the market some property owners may opt to pitch slightly below current market rates to attract more interest, and this is certainly one option. Paying attention to changes in rental rates is also important because tenants who are paying over the top are likely to move on faster.
Contact our team at Home Property Agents to discuss the current market rental rates and how to find great tenants.