What do you gain with a property manager?
Gabi Somlai provides an overview of what you gain with a property manager.
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One of the most important jobs a property manager will do is to minimise the amount of time your investment property is sitting empty and not generating an income.
Here at Home Property Agents, we have years of experience in finding the right tenants for our clients, liaising with them, keeping an eye on their investments with regular inspections to maintain value, as well as ensuring the rental income is in line with the current market rates.
We also have a pool of trusted tradespeople who can ensure that the properties we manage are looked after and small problems don’t become large ones.
And an important part of our job is staying on top of all current legislation and, should things go wrong, being a representative for our clients.
In short, good property managers should and will pay for themselves, making sure your property is in great hands at all times.
Contact our team to discuss your property and how we can not only manage it but help you ensure it remains at its maximum profit potential.